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Helen Schell

„I specialise in art projects inspired by space exploration and science of the cosmos. This involves collaborating with scientists and takes the form of mixed media installations, large paintings, smart materials costumes and experimental books. These are created under the auspices of Space Agency and employ optical illusions to express the unknown phenomena of the Universe. This work started in 2007 whilst doing an MA in Glass at Sunderland University. Since then, I have collaborated with scientists in the fields of astrophysics and cosmology including a residency at Durham University’s Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics, called Space-Time Laboratory. This afforded me the opportunity to meet space shuttle astronauts and visit the UK Dark Matter Laboratory. I am now an ESERO-UK Space Ambassador for education wing of the European Space Agency. Twice, I have been a judge for the NASA Humans in Space Art Competition.“ Helen Schell


Der gute Mann hat die Wurzeln unter Tage und das Herz an der Küste. Die von ihm erfundenen Freaks sind zu seinem Markenzeichen geworden: Manchmal kritisch aber meist zur Belustigung des Volkes beitragend, kommentieren die Freaks nicht nur Rebelzers Umwelt und Alltag, sondern sind weit über Hamburgs Grenzen bekannt und beliebt. Ob auf der Straße, Leinwand oder einer Mauer: Rebelzer malt gerne und überall seine Freaks. In diesem Sinne: keep on rebelzing!

Daniel Man

Künstler wie Daniel Man reagieren mit ihren ortsgebundenen Arbeiten auf den Verlust räumlicher und kultureller Orientierung, der eine Folge der globalen Mobilisierung ist. Man arbeitet in situ und gestaltet ganze Ausstellungsräume oder zumindest den für seine Werke bestimmten Aufstellungsort umfassend. Dazu gehören in der Regel Leinwände und/oder Scherenschnitte, Skulpturen sowie abstrakte Wandmalereien. Diese unterschiedlichen Medien setzt er in einen formalen Zusammenhang, in dem er bestimmte Formen und Farben in den verschiedenen Werken variiert. Zugleich basieren seine Arbeiten – angelehnt an die chinesische Philosophie – auf dem Prinzip von These und Antithese. Kräftige, nuancierte Farben werden mal kontrastierend, mal harmonisierend kombiniert; geometrische Formen stehen amorphen, organischen Strukturen gegenüber; abstrakte Elemente treffen auf figurative Darstellungen; Text und Bild treten in Kontakt. Diese konzeptionelle Ausrichtung korrespondiert wiederum mit einem inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt seines Werkes: Mit der Darstellung von Transfer-Situationen. Die gewählten Motive zeigen, dass Daniel Man’s Überlegungen um die Prozesse von Veränderung, Verschiebung, Wachstum und um darin enthaltenen Zwischenstadien kreisen. Seien es die pseudowissenschaftlichen, an der Quantenphysik orientierten Zeichnungen von Kommunikationssystemen und elementaren An- und Abstoßungsprinzipien oder aber die …


I am an artist and illustrator who enjoys working in different mediums, my favorite being spray paint. I paint portraits using realism as a reference point for more abstract experimentation. The images are built in layers that become ambiguous and open to interpretation from the viewer. I am inspired by aboriginal art and graffiti; aesthetically and conceptually with their self evolved visual languages, dual meanings, temporal quality and its basis in culture, people and environment rather than just commerce. This website showcases some of the work I have created both commercially and for pleasure. Drawing and painting has always been my passion and I practice it everyday. The execution gives me as much pleasure as the end product. I hope you enjoy the work any feedback will be gratefully received.“ n4t4


„HNRX, Is Not Street-Art Or Typical Type Of Graffiti. I Would Call Myself More Of An Artist Who Is Often Painting In Public Spaces As On Paper Or Something Else. I Like The Material Concrete, The Kinds Of Errors And Unevenness In A Wall. The Background Of My Pictures Mostly Is Not Perfect, So I Have To Make The Best Out Of It. That Makes Each Picture Individual And Gives It Character. It Feels „Alive.“ That’S The Reason Why I Am Never Painting On Canvas, Only On Carton Or Some Other Material. Because With All Its Uneveness This Makes It Nearly The Same As A Wall. And Each Carton Has It’s Own Story. I Started Painting With Cans And Acrylics In 2012. But I Am Still In Love With Art Since I Was Born. The Most Time When I Am Painting, Im Not Thinking About Anything Else, I Am Just Painting From Me Outwards And Having Fun. My Art Is Not About Any Political Statement Or About What Happens Around The World. I Want To …

Anton Unai

Rough and elegant artworks from traditional aesthetic boundaries. Meta-narratives, pop, science, subculture artifacts, religious iconography and a wide breadth of literary references from Therapeutic nihilism to anti Anti art with the will to…


„Analog Sixtysix is an artist duo from Hamburg-Germany, founded by Moon Sixtysix and Bobby Analog. Together we do illustration, graphic design projects and professional graffiti for many years. We see ourselves as urban art creators and supporters of all kind, always searching for new challenges and projects. Our work can be seen in galleries as well as in the streets or even in form of designs on your shirts or shoes.“ Moon Sixtysix & Bobby Analog

Ashok Mistry

„As an artist working between the UK and India, my central discourse deals with the global human desire to reconcile the rationality of one’s milieu with the irrationality of the world beyond. In particular I study how people from different cultures form “truths” from the data at hand and how that truth jars with the “truths’’ of others. Artworks explore contemporary concerns such as how data is mediated and formed into information, the uncertainty of the authorship and the evolution of a message as it travels through a multiplicity of unconventional cultural distillers, well beyond the institutionalised cultural gate keepers of the past. My work is nourished by actively engaging people to feed a work with source data or actively being part of the work. Rather than studying people I prefer to work with them in an attempt to understand their perspective, sensibilities, motives and goals. Looking beyond the surface traits such as identity I try to draw out both the rational and irrational that makes us who we are. By drawing on scientific and …


KAS was born and raised in Porto (Portugal) and now lives and works in Brussels (Belgium). His passion of art began at a young age. His father also painter was a major part of his childhood and had big influence on him. Self-made artist has learned informally from some greatest graffiti artists in Portugal. Street artist had the opportunity to make graffiti projects for several national and international companies. He is participated in various street art events in Europe (,Italy,Greece,Malta,France,Netherland etc.) and realised various exhibitions in Portugal. In recent works he use a mix between realism and puzzle patterns giving an 3D effect.