Allgemein, Bewerbungen


Helge ”BOMBER™” Steinmann

born in Hofheim/Ts. (Germany)
moved 1992 to Frankfurt/M. (Germany)
write Graffiti Aerosol Art / Street Art since 1988

1990 til 1995 studied graphic- and communication-design at the university of aplied science, Darmstadt
1995 Co founder of the first graffiti-art agency worldwide: OXYGEN
1998 Corporate Design for the Hip Hop show Fett MTV and On Air Designs for MTV Networks, London, free designer and graffiti artist, studio behind the studio of photographer Will Mcbride
1999 founded the advertising agency HEADLAB
2003 works as an free creative director, illustrator, conceptioner and graffiti artist, Aersosolist, street artist, urban artist
2005 design of the ligapokal logo for the german soccer league Deutsche Fußball Liga DFL
2008 meet the artist Aliza Olmert in invitation of the city of Frankfurt
2010 commissions for the Cirque du soleil, commission new design of the Leunabunker, Hoechst
2011 fashiondesigns for the Engelbert Strauss
2012 Cartattoos for the movie Iron Sky
2013 Graffiti academy in coop with Schirn arthall
2015 360 m² piece at the International Airport Frankfurt

