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The Bulgarian street art duo called SUNSHINERS, gets together Viktoria Georgieva as known as MOUSE / 1989, Isperih, Bulgaria and Nikolay Bozhinov – NIKKAWHY / 1986, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, both with roots in the field of Graffiti Art. Since 2009, when they did the first artwork in collaboration, they are working together. Their proper way of expression, intermixture of Cave painting and Graffiti Art, recomposes city ruines into easy recognizable urban emoji . The artist tandem interprets their pictographs onto different city surfaces, shapes and forms, byusing mostly and usually industrial paint and spray cans. They give new life and meaning to many neglected and ownerless walls and objects of the urban surrounding. The last five years their work handles independent projects in public and private spaces, as well collaborative work with defferent institutions. The unofficial tour called The Sunshining Journey, starts in 2014 and crawls provincial cities in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Spain and Germany. Wherever they are, they live performing, initiating public workshops or demonstrating interactive art tips through games for kids and …

Aitch & Saddo

Aitch Born in Roman, Romania in 1985 as Heliana Adalgiza Rotariu. Artist and illustrator, Aitch has been part of numerous art shows in Romania (Timisoara, Sibiu, Bucharest, Iasi), but also in cities like Vienna, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Berlin, Aalborg, San Jose, Ottawa, etc. She started drawing weird chubby fantastic creatures during her studies at the University of Art and Design in Timisoara, as a sort of subversive reaction to the academical ways of treating the human anatomy. Her artistic work ranges from pink, cute, elegant, to sometimes creepy, semireligious, bizarre characters, mixed in surrealistic sets. She also applies her experience with graphics, painting and character design, in designing, making, sewing plush toys and even her own collections of clothes, often showed in fairs and stores in Bucharest, Berlin, Hannover, Barcelona or Madrid. Saddo Romanian artist, illustrator and muralist, Saddo started his artistic career as founder of one of the first Romanian street art collectives, The Playground, in a time when a freshly graduated artist didn’t have other possibilities than to be a graphic designer or …


Loomit Born 1968 in Celle/Lower Saxony. Lives in Munich. 1983: My schoolmate’s older sister of got back from a one years visit as an exchange student from New York City. She brought the first information on Hip Hop and Graffiti to me, so from these times on my life was filled with „style“. It took me just one summer to bomb all available walls in that small town. So the decision of mother to move to Munich opened a much wider playground to me. „Working in public is the ideal media for my creative ego. Since we all will turn to dust, I’ll do so, knowing that a lot of minds will have past my walls.“

Golden Green

Moritz G. Green ist international bekannt für seine einzigartige Graffiti-Ästhetik. Die für den Stil typischen Elemente chiffriert der Künstler in eine hybride Formensprache. Ein retro-futuristisches Universum gefüllt mit surrealen Charakteren, raffiniert konstruierten Buchstaben und wabernden Silhouetten in poppigen Farben. Zusätzlich zu seiner Passion für großformatig gesprühte Bilder auf Wän-de und Fassaden arbeitet der Künstler auf Leinwänden, mit diversen Drucktechniken und Papierschnitt. Seine Werke jenseits von Graffiti zeigen eine subtile, reflektierende Facette und vervollständigen das Bild des vielseitigen Künstlers. Moritz G. Green war Kulissenbauer im Deutschen Schauspielhaus, Arbeiter auf dem Hamburger Fischmarkt, Postbote, Putzkraft, Schuhverkäufer, Pizzalieferant, Komparse, Sänger, Hafen- und Lagerarbeiter bevor und während er von 2004 bis 2008 ein Studium zum Graphiker absolviert. Moritz G. Green (1979) lebt und arbeitet als freischaffender Künstler in Hamburg-Altona. Er ist Mitglied der internationalen Künstlergruppe UB – Ultraboyz.


Helge ”BOMBER™” Steinmann born in Hofheim/Ts. (Germany) moved 1992 to Frankfurt/M. (Germany) write Graffiti Aerosol Art / Street Art since 1988 1990 til 1995 studied graphic- and communication-design at the university of aplied science, Darmstadt 1995 Co founder of the first graffiti-art agency worldwide: OXYGEN 1998 Corporate Design for the Hip Hop show Fett MTV and On Air Designs for MTV Networks, London, free designer and graffiti artist, studio behind the studio of photographer Will Mcbride 1999 founded the advertising agency HEADLAB 2003 works as an free creative director, illustrator, conceptioner and graffiti artist, Aersosolist, street artist, urban artist 2005 design of the ligapokal logo for the german soccer league Deutsche Fußball Liga DFL 2008 meet the artist Aliza Olmert in invitation of the city of Frankfurt 2010 commissions for the Cirque du soleil, commission new design of the Leunabunker, Hoechst 2011 fashiondesigns for the Engelbert Strauss 2012 Cartattoos for the movie Iron Sky 2013 Graffiti academy in coop with Schirn arthall 2015 360 m² piece at the International Airport Frankfurt

Erste Vorschläge

Vielen Dank an alle, die bereits erste Vorschläge eingereicht haben! Wir schauen uns alles an und melden uns bei euch – versprochen. Einen Teil der Vorschläge für die vorhandenen Wände findet ihr hier. Also macht weiter, seid kreativ, beackert das Thema und schickt uns eure Vorschläge! Und bitte, bitte, bitte: mach eure Dateien nicht zu irre groß – groß werden nur die Wandbilder! by Luca by Bobby by Bilos by Ashok by Nathan

Leicester 2.-4.Oktober

Night of Festivals wird von ArtReach organisiert und gestaltet. Einer Kulturentwicklungsorganisation, die in ganz Großbritannien und mit Partnern sogar weltweit aktiv ist. „Night of Festivals“ ist eine Plattform für innovative Künstler (neue, aufstrebende und etablierte), deren Arbeiten Themen wie freiheit und demokratie erforschen. Über seine 5-jährige Geschichte hat sich „Night of Festivals“ verändert, um unterschiedlichen Orten und Gegebenheiten Rechnung zu tragen, um mit ansässigen Kommunen zu arbeiten, um substantiellen Raum zu schaffen für tiefergehendes Engagement in Freiheit und Kunst. Eine typische „Night of Festivals“ Veranstaltung ist kulturell diversifiziert, nimmt unterschiedliche Kunstformen auf und konzentiert sich hierbei immer auf lebendige Stadtzentren.


Base23 lives and works Berlin. His sources of inspiration for his Graffitis, ink drawings and cardboard installations derive from a wide array of sources. These include psychedelic art of the 1960s, underground comics from the 1970s, Japanese robots and robot toy packaging, experiences from his stay in Hongkong, sources from typography as well as traditional fabrics. As an artist Base23 combines these inspirations into his unique graphic style. His passion for detail can be found in Base23’s large murals as well as in his delicate works on paper and canvas. Vibrant colors imbue works with expression, intensity, and dynamic. His main intention is to counteract our fleeting way of observing in our image-drenched world and instead to invite the spectator to stay and contemplate over his works.